Recurring Events
Sunday mornings, plus...

Worship Gathering
Every Sunday @ 10:00 AM at Smith Vocational and occasional outdoor venues.

Life Groups
Weekly throughout the area. See Life Groups under Community for schedule and locations.

Women's Study
Our new women’s class, Blessings of the kingdom, a practical study of the Sermon on the Mount, begins Wednesday, March 5, and will be held in the conference room at 241 King St, Suite 103.

Foundations for the Family Facebook Live
Join Pastor Steve the first Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM, on our Facebook page, as he talks all about the family. On Tuesday, October 1, he will share some tips for when parents have different styles and ideals on parenting.

Basic Theology
Our basic theology class meets the first Sunday of the month, right after our gathering, in Smith Vocational’s library. Our next class is October 6.