The Cosmos Was Made to Display God’s Love on the Cross

Steve Behlke   -  

Many consider the world entirely random and void of love, meaning, or purpose. It is natural to search for answers, longing for something greater than ourselves. In this search, please be open to the profound truth of God’s unwavering love for us.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ refers to Jesus as “the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). Peter says Jesus’ death was planned “before the foundation of the world.” These passages highlight the profound truth that Jesus’ death and resurrection were part of God’s plan from before the creation of the world.

Another way to say this is God made the cosmos with Jesus’ suffering, sacrifice, and resurrection in mind—if not for the very purpose of giving His life for ours. Before time began, God planned out the ultimate sacrifice and act of love.

God made the cosmos with Jesus’ suffering, sacrifice, and resurrection in mind—if not for the very purpose of giving His life for ours.

This truth boggles the mind. 

Before forming the cosmos, God knew every choice we would make, every sin we would commit, and every pain we would endure. Yet, in His infinite love, He created us anyway, fully anticipating the cost to Himself.

God didn’t just create the world and watch for how things might unfold. The cross was not Plan B after we messed up; it was Plan A. It was not a knee-jerk response to the mess we made. Before He spoke the universe into existence, God envisioned the cross and the resurrection as the centerpiece of His creation and glory.

The cross was not Plan B after we messed up; it was Plan A… Before He spoke the universe into existence, God envisioned the cross and the resurrection as the centerpiece of His creation and glory. 

God wanted to be known forevermore for the praise of the glory of His grace, so He created us, knowing our worst yet loving us more deeply than we can comprehend.

God’s love is not a reaction; that’s why it is grace. It is a deliberate and predestined choice to give Himself to us despite the worst we would do to Him. 

May we never doubt God’s love or acceptance of us despite our shortcomings, even when we fail Him and others miserably, even when our doubts or pain perceive Him as uncaring or unloving. Receive God’s grace revealed in His plans, words, and actions. You are cherished, pursued, and redeemed by a God who loved us before time began.

Receive God’s grace revealed in His plans, words, and actions. You are cherished, pursued, and redeemed by a God who loved us before time began. 

I find this both awe-inspiring and profoundly comforting. In a seemingly random, chaotic, and selfish world, God has always loved us and has a purpose known to Him before time began.