Oh the Depths of God’s Grace

Steve Behlke   -  

One of our church’s favorite descriptions of grace comes from Joseph R. Cooke, who aptly said,

“Grace is what love is and does when it meets the sinful and the undeserving. Grace is what love always must be when it meets the unlovely, the weak, the inadequate, the undeserving, the despicable. It responds to need without reference to merit. It is love toward those who don’t deserve such actions. It is what God does when He reaches down in love for us—sinful as we are—and welcomes us into a relationship with Him.” Joseph R. Cooke, Free for the Taking.

Grace is God’s extraordinary gift given to us in our brokenness, responding to our deepest needs without considering our merit.

Grace also defines God’s offer of salvation. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. We were not chosen because God knew that we would make splendid Christians. We were not saved for doing anything good or right.

Instead, we are made right with God and brought into a relationship with Him by accepting the work of Jesus through faith.
The cross. The work of Christ. God’s blood shed for thee. Grace.

Grace replaces the demanding nature of the law with the assurance of being forever loved, belonging, and never condemned. It is a radical shift from earning acceptance to receiving unconditional love from a compassionate Father.

Grace replaces the demanding nature of the law with the assurance of being forever loved, belonging, and never condemned.

Grace also empowers us to walk in obedience today and guides us into the abundant life that God has prepared for us. It is through grace that we find the basis of our relationship with God and the power to follow Jesus, embracing the transformative work of the Holy Spirit within us.

Whether you already believe in God’s grace or have yet to encounter its life-changing power, I invite you to open your heart to this incredible gift. Grace is love’s response to the undeserving, a divine invitation to experience transformation and abundant life.