Cautious or Courageous With the Gospel

Steve Behlke   -  

Growing up in my day, we were told not to talk about politics or religion. 

I get it. Though I’m not sure what kind of relationships were expected if they couldn’t handle a discussion of the things we care most about. 

Today, politics are brought into nearly every conversation. And it is interesting to see the fervor with which people express their opinions, advocate for their beliefs, and champion their causes without mercy on those grievous souls who see things differently. 

Yet, when it comes to discussing God, Jesus Christ, eternal life, what is the good life, and other eternally significant matters, a different narrative often unfolds. Not whining; it’s exciting but Christians are frequently scolded to keep our beliefs to ourselves. 

Many Christians too would have us speak only when asked, and even then to be cautious, winsome, and safe. 

Safe. Not dangerous at all. Not powerful, either.

Yet is this approach aligned with the teachings of Jesus or the example of the early church?

Throughout the book of Acts, we see the early church’s profound boldness to share the good news that Jesus Christ the Son of God came to seek the lost, to save sinners, and to reconcile mankind to God. Despite intense opposition, including threats, beatdowns, and imprisonment, the apostles refused to be silenced. 

But then again, they saw Jesus alive, then dead, and then alive before they watched Him return to Heaven. Nothing man can do would stop them. They also believed the Gospel, proclaimed and believed, saves people, so it needs to be shared, no matter the cost. 

We believe this too. 

Today is a great day for Christians to reclaim their voice, even their social media voice, and speak of the goodness of God, the words of Jesus, and what the death and resurrection of Christ mean to you. Give people you care about a reason to believe. Share with them the reason why you believe. Do it humbly trusting Jesus, and trusting the gospel is true and powerful to save. Do it with compassion and respect for the person before you.

And whether they believe, delay, or reject it, rejoice for being able to partner with Jesus in the mission that matters most.