Grace defines the way God wants to relate to the world

Steve Behlke   -  

We recently considered the transcendent attributes of God: His majesty, His authority, His power, infinity, and eternality. Such an understanding of God commands our focus, reverence, and awe.

Yet, one characteristic stands out as the most surprising and extraordinary—God’s grace.

One characteristic stands out as the most surprising and extraordinary—God’s grace.

The revelation of God’s grace challenges our understanding, but it is through His grace that God desires to relate to the world, extending unwarranted generosity to all who will accept it in His Son.

Let’s delve into the wonder of God’s grace, its implications for believers, and its profound appeal to those who have yet to trust in God through Jesus.

The apostle John said, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, full of grace and truth.”

At its simplest, grace is God’s unmerited favor and undeserved goodness. Grace defines the way God wants to relate to the world.

Grace defines the way God wants to relate to the world.

Instead of coming to judge the world, Jesus came to save the lost (John 3:17).

Grace is to be understood in terms of how God relates to us, extending His rich mercy and compassion.

Ephesians 1:7 reminds us that “in Jesus, we have redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of our trespasses, all according to the riches of His grace lavished upon us.” “Even when we were dead in our transgressions, God made us alive together with Christ,” emphasizing that salvation is solely a result of His grace and nothing we have done (Ephesians 2:5).

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated grace relationally. He forgave those who had sinned against Him, befriended those shamed and canceled by society, and welcomed sinners and nobodies into His inner circle. By examining Jesus’ interactions, we gain valuable insights into the transformative power of grace and its ability to restore broken lives, heal wounds, and provide hope to the marginalized.

Perhaps the most significant display of God’s grace can be found on the cross. The Righteous One willingly laid down His life for sinners, demonstrating the depth of God’s love and mercy. In the face of unimaginable suffering, Jesus forgave His executioners and told a dying sinner who believed, “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” The cross serves as a powerful reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace.

The cross serves as a powerful reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace.

Whether you’re already a believer or still exploring, through Jesus God invites us to experience redemption, forgiveness, and a new life full of hope and purpose. Open your heart to God’s grace in Christ. Together, let’s discover the abundant life God’s grace brings and invite others to join us.